Dragged Upstairs at the Ritzy

The DAL Haus Drag Queens and Kings and Genderless Monarchs present a drag show once every 3 months at The Ritzy in Brixton, London


Be our guest for just £8 (+ BF) now or £10 on the door!

A Drag Cabaret Show in South London

We’ve come off the streets and onto the stage at Upstairs at the Ritzy – above the Picturehouse in Brixton.

The London drag queens, kings and genderless monarchs who represent the DAL (Dragged Around London) Haus will be entertaining you with singing, dancing, lip-synching, comedy and maybe a few surprises thrown in here and there…

At each event, we wrangle a few of our drag performers in from the wilds of London to put on their best show for you.

And it’s a drag show that’s NOT in a ‘gay’ bar! 😱

Yes, that’s right, you’re getting a full-on drag show at a venue that isn’t a gay bar. We’re bringing drag into everyone’s world – because drag is for and about everyone.

But our drag queens, kings and monarchs exude enough queer energy that you can be assured you’ll be getting the full experience!

And our next show is…

To be confirmed... Sign up to be first to hear:


The cell blocks are open and nothing remains, but a dazzle of glitter and some shackles blowing in the wind. The murderesses of drag row are loose and so are their morals. 7 drag horrors have cast off their chains and broken out of their boxes. May Cher have mercy on the ensnared souls of South London.

Slither down to Ritzy and sacrifice the night to the unholy 7. You will be the first to witness the horror that untucks. The coven of drag performers promises to deliver a night of campy comedy, horror and haunting melodies.

Hosted By:

Dolores Day & Eyvana Cubcake


Evangelina Holie
Tania LeCoq
Vivian Va-Va-Voom
with a debut performance from Drewsilla Lahoe

When you book below, you get on the exclusive guest list – for just £8
(Otherwise, it is £10 on the door!)

Where Will We Meet Again?

In thunder, lightning or in rain!

Upstairs at the Ritzy is located above the Ritzy Picturehouse cinema. When you come in, just ask someone how to get to Upstairs at the Ritzy and they’ll point you to the right staircase!

469 Brixton Rd, Brixton, London SW2 1JG

Get Your Guestlist Pass Now

It’s first-come-first-served for our £8 (+ Booking Fee) guest list tickets limited to 30 places!

Thursday 21st October 2021
Doors Open at 7.30pm for 8pm show start

Upstairs At The Ritzy, at the Picturehouse in Brixton
469 Brixton Rd, Brixton, London SW2 1JG

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